So firstly i apoligise for the lack of posts last week, i had a very jam packed week and did not get any time to post anything. Also happy Monday everyone, the start of the week is always a good time, a time to make some new goals for the week and clear up any lose ties from the last week. I shall give you a wrap up of last week:
On Tuesday and Wednesday i had my examinations for the end of summer school. The first was my Shakespeare exam which went fairly well but my second exam was a literature exam which was not so great. I really loved the paper and spent quite a lot of time preparing for the exam; determined to get a good mark. But i found that writing three essays in two hours is virtually impossible, i ran out of time! Also the exam had half of the instructions printed on another side of paper which i did not see! I was a little stressed out so did not even see these instructions, i was very disappointed when i realised the mistake i had made. I did end up writing around 20 pages and came up with some pretty good points but i don't see how i can get more than a B because i didn't do half of what i was supposed to. I was upset for the whole day but then realised that there was nothing that i could do about it. I ended up getting a few extra shifts at work which is GREAT! more money for my America funds! On Wednesday night we went to a very cute little bar in Newmarket called Lucha Lounge to see a band play. The band were the
Squirrel Skin Slippers and they were really good! They are a guy and girl who play bluesy garage rock, check out their myspace page, the lead girl was also incredibly stylish and beautiful! She had the cutest pair of oxford lace ups on that i have ever seen!
On Thursday after work i went to a friend/work colleagues leaving drinks. It was a relatively good night although i couldn't afford to buy too many drinks and spent most of the night lingering in second hand smoke (which i really hate!!). My Dad come up to visit in the weekend bringing my sister up to live in Auckland permanently which will be fantastic! It is always great to have more family close to me as i am a huge family person! We went to Piha beach on Sunday which was absolutely beautiful! In order to get to Piha you have to drive across some ranges and through native New Zealand bush/forest. The sun was sneaking through little gaps in the trees the whole way there which made the air a beautiful shade of green and golden yellow. Here's a picture of Piha beach
Today i am loving
Mikyla She Set!
This girl is seriously the most amazing girl and my style icon! She is from London and goes out with the guitarist from The Horrors. I have a MAJOR girl crush on her! I bet you can see why..
So beautiful!
I hope you are all having a wonderful Monday! Remember to keep an eye out for Tuesday Treasures i will be featuring a treasured item from one of my followers this week, very exciting!
Much Love for now
Lady Gxx